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We've Only Just Begun...

Meerie has given life to her puppies, and is hands down the best mamma I have ever witnessed. Never did she push her pups away with so much as a snarl, gentle shove or nip. She has been nothing but sweet, caring and loving. From the day she first came to Mountain Haven, Meerie was skittish, we didn't know how best to approach her other than to afford her the luxury of time, love and trust. We had to trust her and most of all she had to trust us. Each day we made progress, but Meerie's facial expressions still warranted our erring on the side of caution..or so we thought. Then we became to realize that Meerie was relaxing more, becoming comfortable in her surroundings and the daily routine of food, walking, cleaning, treats, belly rubs, relaxing and watching television. She became attuned to our varying schedules and began to welcome each member of the team who came to walk her, and clean up after her pups. The spoiling began at once and soon became a two way street. Meerie began wagging her tail, licking our faces and asking to go for more walks and to just sit on the grass with us.

I would visit Meerie at night, take her for a walk and tell her about how the day had been. She just loves the sound of your voice and cherishes the time you spend with her. We introduced other people to Meerie and those who visited her often said they could not believe the changes in her. She genuinely loves her life, and every sweet person who meets her. She lets you play with her pups, and she is what I refer to as a bomb proof, trustworthy, loving companion.

So this past weekend was the icing on the cake. The last of Meerie's pups went to his new home and she and one of her pups were adopted, together! She was genuinely happy to take a walk with her new "dad" and with a little encouragement got up in the car when it was time to make the maiden trip to her new home along with her little son. About an hour later we received a photo and text of Meerie and her son contently sitting out in the grass at their new home.

We always tell folks that the relationship between Mountain Haven and the adopters continues even after the adoption. We are always available to answer questions, receive texts, and share "ooh's and awe's" over photos. You see, we truly believe that it takes all of us to assure the perfect new beginnings these loving animals deserve. It is a team effort, a friendship and a work in progress carefully stitched together with the common thread of compassion and love. For Meerie, it began when our friend Robin of Forgotten Tails Rescue in Alabama rescued Meerie and her pups. Robin told us about Meerie and the arrangements were made to bring Meerie and her pups to Mountain Haven. When we reviewed the paperwork we learned that Robin picked her up along with her pups from the Humane Society in Alabama, cared for them at her place, then sent them to us. It's been a long trip for Meerie who was found in the streets of Alabama. She went from one caring place to another and then to us. Frightened and unsure of what would happen to her next, it's no wonder that her wolf like eyes and stare were of concern to us. To see them soften, witness her tail wag in a full circle and feel her happiness was all we could ever hope for and more.

What you may not know about Meerie if you are new to her story, is that she has heartworm and needs treatment. Now that her pups are fully weaned, and her nurturing of them complete, it is Meerie's turn to be nurtured to her full health. Heartworm treatment takes three months, and Meerie will receive her treatment from Dr. Cody and the team at Lake Katrine Animal Hospital. This is where the team work truly comes in to play. The treatment for heartworm is lengthy and comes at a considerable expense. Meerie's adopters take her to her veterinary visits, and we raise money to pay for Meerie's treatment. So far we have raised $350 toward her medical care. If you would like to contribute to Meerie's medical fund you can do so by donating on the Mountain Haven website:

Just look for the donate button on the website and you will be directed to paypal. Be sure to include a note stating that the donation is for Meerie's fund. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated, and for donations of $25 or more, you will receive a special edition Meerie Mountain Haven TShirt so be sure to leave your name, address and email so we can get the TShirt to you.

Together we make the difference that allows these loving animals to live their best lives, trading past lives of sadness and uncertainty for the warmth and security of a loving home to call their own.

Honestly, it doesn't get any better than that.

xoxo - Janine

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