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Happy Birthday, Mountain Haven!!!

On August 5th, Mountain Haven turned seven years old!! It's hard to believe all that has transpired in that time. Seems like only yesterday it was a dream put on paper. Although there were many speed bumps along the way, I am more than proud of where Mountain Haven is today. We are a small and determined rescue that chooses to celebrate the life and love of dogs. Yes there have been heart breaks, struggles and the need to weed out toxic situations, but it has been so worth it to see Mountain Haven move through towards a future filled with exciting news and growth.

You are probably wondering how we are celebrating this milestone, well I am bursting at the seams to tell you that Mountain Haven is getting an awesome birthday gift - our new building is arriving September 1st! It will take a great deal of hard work to bring the empty canvas to life and I promise I will keep you updated every step of the way.

Stay tuned for photos and exciting news as we navigate this next chapter of Mountain Haven Animal Rescue.

xoxo - Janine

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