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Mamma Maisey - Our Life Coach


These are crazy times in our lives for sure. I am sure that you often have thoughts of when we will all be able to share in good times, feel carefree and light- hearted again. For the most part I think I have been handling the confines and restraints this pandemic has forced upon us relatively well. I am grateful for many things, and I try to keep on moving through and embracing this new reality the best I can. The past couple of weeks have been more of a struggle as I dealt with a sick pup, disgusting gray sludge water coming out of my faucet as a result of a neighbor’s well being hydro-fracked (still murkey and not potable) and power outages in the middle of conference calls for work. What has upset me most is the fact that I will not be able to see my family over Thanksgiving. I feel defeated. Despite my best efforts to remain positive and productive, I admit I am down in the dumps a bit.

I make sure to spend time with Maisey, our latest heartworm positive mamma every day. She is my therapy. In her two years of life she has experienced so much pain, disregard and abandonment. Found tied to a tree with her new litter of pups, Maisey had every reason to distrust and insulate herself with her depression as a means of self-preservation. But instead this amazing dog gave unconditional love to her babies and to her initial foster in Alabama. She was quarantined in Alabama by our friends and fellow rescuers at Forgotten Tails Rescue. They provided her first much needed medical care and dose of love and affection. Maisey not only accepted the positive attention she and her pups were receiving, she also returned the favor – two fold!

We were told she was sweet, but we hadn’t expected the joyful energyMaisey has brought to us. It has been several weeks that we have had Maisey in our care. This week her pups went to their new homes and Maisey is taking it hard. Still she embraces life with a voracious appetite for all that is tail wagging fun and good. All of us at Mountain Haven are filling her days with walks, playing, a romp and roll in the fall leaves, running errands (she loves the car), great snacks, toys and settling in watching movies and snoozing. She is a dog that loves this routine, she truly embraces every moment and chooses to revel in the good times and not recall a past where she was cast aside and abandoned.

Luckily Maisey will be going to a new home tomorrow. This will hopefully be her foster to forever home. I think she is just what her new person needs for it is truly a blessing to be in Maisey’s company. I know Maisey will rise to the occasion and be happy.

I always say, if we take the time to watch, love and be present, we will learn all that dogs have to teach us. Maisey is teaching us all to embrace every moment, love completely and trust in love because that is where the real magic lies. The magic to forget a past not worth remembering and the magic to create joy while pushing ahead toward a bright future.

There will be brighter days ahead when we can and will once again travel to see our loved ones and not be confined to quarantines, six foot distances, masks and an over abundance of sanitizing procedures as if we are all harboring the great plague.

While we head toward those brighter days, lets embrace the moments in every day to be grateful for. Technology that enables us to remain connected, a romp in the fall leaves, the comfort of settling into a great movie, a good book, dancing with your puppy, taking an incredible walk, reveling in the perfect cup of coffee, in short let’s be sure to channel our inner Maisey.

So what would Maisey do? Jump for joy, choose happiness and repeat often.

Good therapy for sure.

Xoxo - Janine

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